Managing Your Money

The value of working with a Financial Planner.

Let’s face it – money can be a topic that not a lot of people enjoy openly discussing. It can also be kind of confusing. But it shouldn’t be. With…

Managing Your Money

Your child could be eligible for more than $10,000 in RESP grants

Are you feeling the financial stress that comes with sending a kid off to college one day? You’re not alone. Thankfully, there are simple steps that parents and guardians can…

Managing Your Money

Planning like a boss to afford that mortgage

Between increasing prime rates and a volatile economy, it can feel impossible to start saving for a down payment on a mortgage. But we promise it’s not. No matter what…

Managing Your Money

Mortgage myth busters to boost your financial IQ

Congratulations. You’re finally able to afford that mortgage for the house of your dreams, and you’re ready to start your search for the perfect home and the right mortgage to…

Grow Your Money

Why it’s important to invest with a goal

What is goals-based investing and how can I make it work for me? Choosing the right investing strategy matters when shaping your financial plan and a goals-based approach offers a…

Grow Your Money

Paying off holiday debt

It’s that time of the year again. Presents, packages and holiday cards in your mailbox are replaced with credit card statements. This is the time when you realize that maybe…

Grow Your Money

How your money can make you more money

What’s not to love about GICs? They’re low risk, low maintenance, don’t have fees and usually come with a fixed rate. Best of all, when you break it down, it…

Grow Your Money

How to be a savvy investor

Investments are an important aspect of any financial portfolio—especially when looking long term.  So, how can you squeeze the most out of your hard work? Read on to learn how…

Grow Your Money

How lending can help you get ahead

Loans. Loans. Loans. See, we said it three times and nothing bad happened. Some people consider it to be a big bad L-word but the truth is lending can be…

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