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We turned your bills into holiday gifts

Holiday cheer is meant to be shared. So, we asked our followers how they would treat a loved one if they didn’t have to pay one of their bills. After getting thousands of entries, we surprised a few lucky winners by covering their bills and getting a gift for their loved ones.


Meet Craig

Meet our first Jingle Bills winner. We heard Craig’s story and surprised him by not only paying his credit card bill but also sending him and his wife on an overdue honeymoon to Mexico. Feliz Navidad, Craig!

Meet Al

Our Coast Capital Elves heard Al’s #JingleBills story about giving back to his grandma’s nurses and couldn’t help but hop in our sleigh (AKA the Coast Capital van) and make his holiday wish come true. Prepare your hearts to be warmed.

Stay tuned for more stories throughout December.

Need help from the holiday elves?

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