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Real growth: Amy Chant’s Coast Capital Story

None of what we do would be possible without our people. Real people, connected by our shared purpose, offering real advice to our members. Working together for a better today, and a better tomorrow. That’s why keeping our employees happy, motivated and fulfilled is of the utmost importance to us. We believe that work-life balance, building a career, and building a better life for our employees and their families shouldn’t be a dream.

In this employee stories blog series, we sit down with five team members and ask them about their experience working at Coast Capital and how it’s impacted their career and personal journeys. This is Amy’s story.

Tell us about yourself.

I’ve been with Coast Capital for nearly 14 years. I started as a part-time branch teller after my undergraduate and I’m now the Member Experience Solutions Manager for the credit union.

I’m from Burnaby, British Columbia. I grew up near a large, forested area and I spent most days running around, building forts and picking berries with my siblings and neighbours.

I have two young children. We live on the same street as our kids’ four grandparents. We made the choice a couple years ago to move to North Vancouver so we could spend every day in nature with extended family close by. I feel so lucky that we can raise our children in this way.

How have your past experiences prepared you for your role at Coast Capital?

I studied International Relations at the University of British Columbia. I specialized in finance and development and was particularly interested in micro-finance. Upon graduation, Coast Capital offered me a job. At the same time, a Haitian relief organization doing micro-finance invited me to intern with them. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I couldn’t pass it up. I contacted Human Resources at Coast Capital and explained the situation. They understood and asked me to call them when I returned home.

During my time in Haiti, I saw first-hand how receiving assistance could help people change the course of their lives. I often think about my time in Haiti when I’m working to enhance advice and tools designed to empower our members.

Who are your mentors and/or role models?

My Aunty Pat is a role model of mine. When I was 13 years old, she gave me a copy of David Chilton’s The Wealthy Barber. I was super interested in it, and she recognized that interest. She later opened my first trading account, and it helped foster a deep appreciation for personal finance and investing at a young age.

Tell us about your career journey at Coast Capital.

I started out as a part-time teller at our Yaletown branch in 2008. Thanks to support from leadership, access to training, and the willingness of countless colleagues to share their expertise with me, I worked my way up to Branch Manager. Now, in my role today, I use my experience working with members in the branch to enhance the design of our member solutions and experiences, like the Money Chat.

Coast Capital is committed to building better futures. How is Coast Capital helping you build your better future?

There is a willingness at Coast Capital to see a person’s potential and give them the opportunity to prove themselves in a supported environment. The organization invests in my future and helps me demonstrate my capabilities.

I have been given opportunities to stretch my wings and take on new responsibilities. For example, I was in a supporting role as we built and launched the digital Money Chat. My leader gave me an increasing number of opportunities to own pieces of the project and grow my skills, and eventually, I was promoted to become product owner for the Money Chat.

How does Coast Capital support your work/life harmony?

My youngest child was born in the early, uncertain days of the COVID pandemic. While I was on maternity leave, Coast Capital made the decision to permanently shift towards a more flexible style of work. The credit union started hiring people across Canada and, for many roles, removed the expectation to be in the office every day.

As a parent with young children, this was a game changer. We could buy a house in our dream neighbourhood without the worry of a long, daily commute. We’re now able to raise our kids in the ways that matter to us. Coast Capital communicates with clarity and lots of notice, and so our family can better plan for its future.

What is the one thing you like most about working at Coast Capital?

The thing I like most about working at Coast Capital is heart. The people attracted to our organization have some of the most generous hearts of anyone I’ve encountered. You see that reflected in our social purpose but also in our employees’ commitment to our members, colleagues, communities, and the world.

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