Grow Your Money

Growing money made easy with pre-authorized credits.

Pre-authorized credits, or PACs, are a great tool to help you grow your money. Remember, if you have any questions, we’re always here to help. Give us a shout.

Managing Your Money

Setting financial goals for the New Year

Calling all New Year’s Resolution-ers: it’s time for change The first month of the year is usually when we dust off the holiday cookie crumbs, take off our stretchy eating…

Managing Your Money

Things to know before you jet off for a winter vacation

When winter rolls around and the rain starts pouring, a cozy fireplace is no match for the hot hot heat of a tropical vacation. And if you’re someone who enjoys…

Grow Your Money

Your Money Questions, Answered.

We asked you for your burning money questions. As it turns out, a lot of you had similar questions. So we sat down with the experts – Rachel Coyle, VP…

In Your Community

Budget-friendly things to do this holiday season

It’s easy to get caught up in the season of giving—and getting.  But instead of money, try to spend more time with the ones you love during this holiday season.…

Grow Your Money

How your money can make you more money

What’s not to love about GICs? They’re low risk, low maintenance, don’t have fees and usually come with a fixed rate. Best of all, when you break it down, it…

Grow Your Money

How to be a savvy investor

Investments are an important aspect of any financial portfolio—especially when looking long term.  So, how can you squeeze the most out of your hard work? Read on to learn how…

Grow Your Money

Finance tips for students on CTV Morning Live

We know that university it expensive. But we also know that there is more to life than slurping instant noodles out of styrofoam cups. We’ll help you find the wiggle room…

Grow Your Money

Investing myths debunked

So you’ve got some money. Maybe not a lot, but some. And you want to see it grow, like those Sea Monkeys you had as a kid. But where should…

Investment Myths Debunked

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