How to protect yourself from “spoofing.”
“Spoofing” websites is common practice for fraudsters – the fraudster creates a fake website that looks like the real thing, and then collects your credentials. Coast Capital monitors for these…

Cyber security during COVID-19 | Global Morning News
As more communication has moved online during the pandemic, it’s brought about more opportunities for cyber criminals to defraud people. Joining us to talk about cyber security is Jas Dhillon…

How to protect yourself online
The internet is a part of most peoples’ daily lives now. Shopping, banking, networking – you name it, we do it online. It’s also a point of weakness for fraudsters…

How to keep your money and information safe while you travel
Passport? Check. Flight itinerary? Check. Wallet? Check. We constantly check our backpacks, pockets, and money belts to ensure these items are still safely stored when we’re travelling. We wouldn’t want…

Mobile security facts and fictions.
Why is it that when it comes to using our desktops and laptops, we think twice before downloading something or connecting to unknown Wi-Fi networks, but when it comes to…

Protecting your PII
No, that wasn’t not a typo. We apologize if you thought this was a how-to article about protecting your slice of pumpkin pie from your over-indulgent cousin at your next…

How to protect yourself online: Tips from the experts
Have you ever had your personal data compromised? Maybe you’ve lost your credit card and had it frozen as a precautionary measure. Or maybe it was something a little more…