Take a look around your classroom or office and it will be tough to find someone who hasn’t had a friend or family member touched by cancer. The impact of the disease is wide spread, and the effect on the life of children and youth living with cancer is devastating.
Coast Capital has been involved with the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cops for Cancer tour since its inception 20 years ago. We’ve made a promise to build a richer future for youth in your community, and this is one of the ways we’re keeping our promise. Thanks to our staff and members, we’ve donated more than $2.25 million to the cause.
About the Cops for Cancer tours
Over a hundred law enforcement and emergency services personnel put on their riding gear and train for months before riding up to 1000 km through BC. Coast Capital Savings is the Tour Sponsor for three of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cops for Cancer tours: Tour de Valley (Fraser Valley), Tour de Coast (Metro Vancouver), and Tour de Rock (Vancouver Island). They’re pretty amazing people, if you ask us.
Raising money for youth living with cancer
Each year, our members and staff come together to raise money for this great cause. Our branches and offices each come up with their own creative way to fundraise. Whether it’s a bake sale, silent auction, or head shave, we’re always impressed at what they can come up with. And our members and neighbours always join in to support to cause. We couldn’t do it without them!

In his second year as co-chair of the annual fundraising campaign, interim CEO Bruce Schouten is at the front of the line to as many fundraisers as he can get to:
“The ideas our people come up with, and how much support they generate from our members is incredible. Like building up a savings account, in fundraising, every little bit counts, and I’m happy to help. Last year, it was cycling the length of a tour and getting a pie in the face. Who knows what’s ahead of me for this year.”
Where your donations go
Donations made to the Cops for Cancer tours help fund life-saving pediatric cancer research and caring support programs like Camp Goodtimes. Camp Goodtimes is a life-changing place where children and youth can forget about their terrible disease for a while. It hosts 350 pediatric cancer patients, survivors and their families at the free camp in Maple Ridge each year.
Aidan Morris is a 21 year old student at UBC, who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of three. He attended Camp Goodtimes for the first time when he was seven. “Camp Goodtimes was different in a way that almost can’t be described by words. It’s a place where you can step out of your comfort zone knowing you are completely supported by those around you.”
One employee’s experience at Camp Goodtimes
Our employees live our passion for Cops for Cancer every day. Each year, we send a few lucky employees to Camp Goodtimes to experience the magic for themselves so they can really see the impact first hand.
Jessica, one of our Member Banking Specialists, is a previous visitor of Camp Goodtimes. While she was there, she participated in the activities going on with the children and youth. After a tour of the camp, she joined them for arts and crafts, water sports, and a play casino night. But it was the heart of the camp that moved her the most:
“What impresses me most about this camp is that regardless of whether or not a youth has won their fight against cancer or if they are still completing their treatments, they can still attend camp. Whether it’s to enjoy a break from the hospitals or to support those who are still fighting, everyone is welcome. This is a remarkable camp and I am truly honored and humbled to have visited Camp Goodtimes for the day.”
More about our involvement with Cops for Cancer
How you can help
Stop by your local branch, see what they’re up to and make a donation. Or, make a donation online. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of youth living with cancer.