Staying Secure

AI deepfakes: a new breed of scam.

Cybersecurity is a technological arms race, with cybercriminals and security experts constantly striving to gain the upper hand. With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), scammers have a new weapon…

Staying Secure

How to protect yourself from “spoofing.”

“Spoofing” websites is common practice for fraudsters – the fraudster creates a fake website that looks like the real thing, and then collects your credentials. Coast Capital monitors for these…

Staying Secure

How to protect yourself against phishing.

Protecting yourself from fraud is always a priority, but because October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, now seems like a great opportunity to brush up on your fraud-prevention skills. Here are…

Staying Secure

Cyber security during COVID-19 | Global Morning News

  As more communication has moved online during the pandemic, it’s brought about more opportunities for cyber criminals to defraud people. Joining us to talk about cyber security is Jas Dhillon…

Staying Secure

How to protect yourself online

The internet is a part of most peoples’ daily lives now. Shopping, banking, networking – you name it, we do it online. It’s also a point of weakness for fraudsters…

Staying Secure

Protecting yourself on your phone

We get it – your phone is your life line. We like our phones just as much as the next person, but it’s important to make sure you’re using it…

Staying Secure

Protecting your debit card

You (probably) use your debit card almost every day. They’re great tools for making payments, after all. Sometimes when we use something every day, it’s easy to forget that we…

Staying Secure

How to keep your money and information safe while you travel

Passport? Check. Flight itinerary? Check. Wallet? Check. We constantly check our backpacks, pockets, and money belts to ensure these items are still safely stored when we’re travelling. We wouldn’t want…

Staying Secure

Mobile security facts and fictions.

Why is it that when it comes to using our desktops and laptops, we think twice before downloading something or connecting to unknown Wi-Fi networks, but when it comes to…

Most popular in Staying Secure

Staying Secure

Three things you can do to protect yourself against wire fraud

You may think it could never happen to you. You know you need to shield your PIN when you use your debit card and you make sure to regularly change…

wire fraud
Staying Secure

We break down what you need to know to protect yourself against cyber fraud

Remember the early days of the internet? And how it felt waiting for your sibling to finish their phone call so you could connect to the dial-up to chat online…

In Your Community

Meet the 2019 Vancouver Island Youth Community Council

The Coast Capital Youth Community Councils empower young leaders to make investments in local youth initiatives. In 2018, the Community Councils allocated $1.6 million in grants to 109 youth-serving organizations. But that’s…